We took the fam to the Mountain State Fair. Way was so excited
to see all the animals!

Thats alot of bacon!

"Look mommy, it's a baby cow!"

studdying something very hard

photo opp

Waylon's first camel ride. She LOVED it!

Then she tried feeding a camel...she wasnt so sure, but did great!

The camel sure enjoyed it

She was braver around the goats

leaning in for a kiss

This slide was the hit of the Fair. We went super fast and
she squilled every time.

Blue Ribbon for the fattest chicken in the world! lol Seriously though,
it had to of weighed 30 lbs.

Getting up close to a Lama

Waiting in line for another super slide!

a JoAnne face, haha

She endind up loving the Nemo ride!


She even met a friend on the catapiller.

We ended the Fair with deep fried oreo's and Daddy riding
the bull! Colton, you would have been proud!!